Lawn Diseases: Prevention and Management Guidelines-UC IPM UC home and landscape guidelines Lawn Diseases: Prevention and. Weed Gallery: Bermudagrass-UC IPM Photos and descriptions of Bermudagrass. Spring dead spot is unlike any other turfgrass disease, so therefore it must be managed differently. These fungi attack the roots, rhizomes, and stolons of bermudagrass in the fall and winter and increase the bermudagrass. Do you need to see photos of bermuda grass? Bermudagrass is a perennial grass that is frequently used for lawns but also is a troublesome weed in many.
A Visual Guide to Lawn Problems: Zoysia Grass the images to enlarge them. Or for fescue or Kentucky bluegrass lawns, see Lawn Problems: Cool-season. Identifying lawn diseases Fear not, we have some tips to help you identify your lawn problems.